How to set camera permissions

How to set camera permissions

Camera permissions are a fundamental aspect of privacy and security when it comes to using camera-enabled devices such as smartphones, tablets or computer. Camera permissions allow apps or websites to access and utilize the camera functionality on your device.

When you grant Dojah camera access to your device, it allows Dojah scan your documents for verification and capture your face for biometrics verification.

Allowing camera access for:
- Google Chrome
- Mozilla Firefox
- Safari
- Mobile devices
- General

Google Chrome
1. Click on the padlock icon on the left hand side of the URL bar
2. Click on site settings
3. Open the camera and microphone permissions 
4. Allow to access your camera and microphone
5. Refresh the page

Mozilla Firefox
1. Open the Firefox permissions tab by clicking on the settings widget on the URL bar
2. Allow to use the camera and microphone by clearing the permissions
3. You will be prompted to allow to use your camera. Click Allow
4. You will be directed to the verification flow where your camera will be used to take the photos necessary for the ID verification

1. If you just ignored the permission pop-up on first time, simply refresh the page and allow our service to use your web camera and microphone
2. If that didn't help, open "Preferences"
3. Click "Websites" tab and make sure both Camera and Microphone are allowed for our site

Alternative method:
1. Open Settings for This Website
2. Click on Camera and Microphone settings
3. Choose Allow for both permissions

Mobile devices
When your camera is not enabled for mobile devices you will typically see a black screen instead of a camera stream. To solve the problem


If you have already given our service a permission to use your web camera and microphone, but you are still seeing the troubleshooting page, make sure you have allowed access to your camera for the device you are using.

Follow the instructions below to enable your camera and/or microphone access on your device.

Windows 10:

Settings -> Privacy -> Camera & Settings -> Privacy -> Microphone

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